3D Roulette

If after playing a nice long session with the normal 2D overhead view gets old and boring, then 3D Roulette will be a nice change of scenery for you.
What Is 3D Roulette?
3D Roulette is available in all forms of Roulette; 3D American, 3D European and 3D French Roulette. This is a great version of Roulette that uses a real table to go along with the 3D graphics.
3D Roulette runs fast and smooth, looks fantastic and plays like the normal versions of Roulette that you have come to know and love.
How To Play
3D Roulette, no matter the version you decided to play, is played the same way as all other version. You place a bet on where you think the ball will land, if you are correct than you win money. You can bet on any individual number including zero, and in American 3D Roulette double zero, Colors, Odds or Evens and groups of numbers that cover one third of the table.
Where To Play 3D Roulette
Where to Play 3D Roulette For Americans
At this time, no online casinos that serve Americans currently offer 3D Roulette. You may be more interested in WinADay Casino with their Roulette 5 game – 5 games at once.
Where To Play 3D Roulette For Non Americans
There are a few different options for people around the world to play 3D Roulette and below we will go over them for you:
- 3D European Roulette at Omni Casino (Not available to Americans, but check out Roulette 5 at WinADay Casino instead.) offers all players the chance to play European Roulette. Omni Casinos table limits are based on VIP Levels,. They also have Racetrack Bets and Special Bets. All of this plus the 3D Graphics and smooth game play make this a solid option for playing European 3D Roulette
- For a nice large choice of table limits head to Titan Casino (Not available to Americans, but check out Roulette 5 at WinADay Casino instead.) to play European 3D Roulette. Their table limits range in value from a dime to one thousand dollars; $.10 – $400, $4.00 – $800, $5.00 – $1.000, As you can see there is a table for all players from rookies to high rollers. Also a great site with a huge number of Roulette options for players to choose from.
- Now for the High Rollers Titan Casino (Not available to Americans, but check out Roulette 5 at WinADay Casino instead.) has got you covered with 3D Roulette Premium. Using European Roulette as its table and wheel Titan goes above and beyond for the high rollers and gives players the chance to win up to $500,000. Yes thats 5 zeros. So if you are a big time player and are looking to make a fortune off of 3D Roulette than this is the place for you
Odds and House Advantage
While playing 3D Roulette there is a very large number of bets that you can make. Below we will go over each bet that you can make, the odds that you will win that bet and how much you will win if you place said bet. Keep in mind that on top of the winnings listed you also get your original wager back. We will be using European Betting Odds for this chart, but for a full breakdown of all odds see our Roulette Odds page:
- Straight Up (1 number) 35 to 1 = $10 X 35 = $350
- Split Bet (2 numbers) 17 to 1 = $10 X 17 = $170
- Trio Bet (3 numbers) 11 to 1= $10 X 11 = $111
- Street Bet (3 numbers) 11 to 1 = $10 X 11 = $111
- Corner Bet (4 numbers) 8 to 1 = $10 X 8 = $80
- Line Bet (6 numbers) 5 to 1 = $10 X 5 = $50
- Dozen Bet (12 numbers) 2 to 1 = $10 X 2 = $20
- Column Bet (12 numbers) 2 to 1 = $10 X 2 = $20
- Red,Black (18 numbers) 1 to 1 = $10 X 1 = $10
- Even,Odd (18 numbers) 1 to 1= $10 X 1 = $10
- Low,Hi (18 numbers) 1 to 1= $10 X 1 = $10
- Four Number Bet 8 to 1 = $10 X 8 = $80
- Neighbor Bets (5 numbers) 5 to 1 = 5 X $10 = $50
Bets List
Here we will explain each bet that you can make. This will be helpful for new players trying to understand the game. And for experienced Roulette players who want to be refreshed on all the available bets you can make while playing 3D Roulette. For a more detailed breakdown of the bets available, see our Roulette Bets page.
- Straight Up: Place your bet directly on any single number or zero (or Double Zero in 3D American Roulette) on the 3DRoulette Table
- Split Bet: Place your bet directly on the line between any 2 numbers
- Trio Bet: Place your bet directly on the intersecting point between 0, 1 and 2, or 0, 2 and 3
- Street Bet: Place your bet at the end of any vertical row, covering three numbers
- Corner Bet: Place your bet on the corner where four numbers meet
- Line Bet: Place your bet at the end of two streets on the line between them. A line bet covers all the numbers in either street, for a total of six numbers
Inside Betting on 3D Roulette Table
Outside Betting Options For 3D Roulette
- Dozen Bet: Place your bet on any one of the boxes marked ;1st 12, 2nd 12, or 3rd 12, each covering twelve numbers
- Column Bet: On the right side of the board there are 3 boxes marked “2 to 1”. By placing your chip in one of these boxes, you mark all twelve numbers below it
- Red / Black or Even / Odd: By betting on any of these on the 3DRoulette table, you will cover all numbers associated with the bet. When you bet Even then all 18 Even numbers are now bet on. Another example is when you bet Black then all 18 Black numbers are now bet on. The zero or double zero is not covered by any of these bets.
- 1 – 18 and 19 -36: Place your bet in one of the boxes marked “1 to 18” or “19 to 36”, each covering eighteen numbers on the 3D Roulette table.
- Four Number Bet: A bet placed at the corner of the intersection of 0 and 1, covering the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3
Neighbor Bets In French and some European versions of 3D Roulette you have the option of betting on Neighbor Bets:
- Neighboring Bets: Placing your bet on a number then the two numbers before and he two numbers after would be bet on so 5 numbers in total. For example betting on number 22 would cover; 22 as well as 20, 21, 23 and 24