Dopey Betting System

The Dopey betting system a betting system that can be used when playing the game of roulette. It has come to garner more attention since the publication of Andres Martinez’s book ‘24/7: Living It Up and Doubling Down in the New Las Vegas’. Martinez’s trip to Sin City described his meetings with professional gamblers, as well as taking in the sights and sounds of Las Vegas over 30 days with $50,000 in cash. Martinez’s book depicts the Dopey betting system as more of an experiment than a betting system, and it is not designed as anything other than a way to have fun at the roulette table when attempting to unwind at the casino.
The honesty that this is not a get rich quick scheme sets the Dopey betting system apart from the likes of the Martingale betting system, the followers of which seem intent on telling you is a sure-fire way of making a profit every time you put your chips down on the roulette table. The Dopey betting system does not rely on the idea of Gambler’s Fallacy, as nearly every other roulette betting system does, it relies on the idea that you go to the casino for entertainment, or you play online roulette to take a break from the stresses of life for a while, and if you win big, even better.
When employing the Dopey betting system, you first need to establish a bankroll, as you do when heading to the roulette table and employing any betting system. This may be a fraction of your gambling allowance that you are happy to wager in one session, or it might be a chunk of your online casino account that you won during a lucky craps session – whatever the amount, you should be happy to lose it, as the Dopey betting system will not guarantee you success, it will only guarantee you a fun experience and a way to limit any loses you may incur and that you don’t start chasing small returns with vast wagers, as you would when using the Martingale betting system, or the Fibonacci betting system.
Once you have established your bankroll, take your calculator out and divide it by 35 to work out the size of one betting unit. When using the Dopey betting system, using multiples of 35 or 70 makes things easier, but feel free to use whatever figure you want – just make sure you have a calculator handy (or a calculator app on your phone, at the very least!) to work out the size of your betting unit.
The next step is to pick one number between 0 and 36. It really does not matter what the number is; most people have at least one number that is significant to them (in my case, the number 5, in Andres Martinez’s case, the number 22, as it is his wife’s birthday), so they are likely to pick that number when deciding on what number it is they want to bet on.
Once your number is selected, all that remains is to put a bet of one unit on it. If it hits on your first spin, great, you will get 35-times your initial stake back, and you can either end your session right then, or you can continue to play with what is essentially the casino’s money. Of course, as you are using the Dopey betting system for fun, you will probably want to continue with it. If you do, your bet stays on the same number – there is no need to jump around the table, work out any pattern or try and delve any deeper into it than you have to; just keep your bet the same size and on the same number. If it wins again, great, keep your bet on the number for another spin, and if it loses, put another unit down on the same number. Continue this until you are bored, you are broke, or you have won enough money to keep you happy for the time being.
If you do not hit your number at all, it is unfortunate, but it is part of the risk you take, and the money you had earmarked for this was money you should be prepared to lose, anyway. However, if you hit your number a few times during the initial 35 spins, you will have a number lump of cash in front of you, at least double your initial bankroll.
The Dopey betting system, is an honest betting system, it is a no-frills betting system and at the end of the day, it is a betting system that does not allow you to lose too much money – even if you only hit your number once, you will have your initial bankroll back, which you can keep to one side and walk away once the rest of your money has gone, meaning a break-even session, which is more than a lot of players get. It may sound more boring than some systems where your bet ramps up after every loss, and it may not be as involving as other betting systems where you have to keep track of things using a pencil and paper, but, at the end of the day, it is one of the more responsible betting systems out there, and if you are purely betting for fun, that is perhaps the most important thing of all. » Strategy »