Law of Thirds Betting System

There are many, many betting systems out there that you can use when playing various casino games and they translate from one to another relatively easy – you can use the Martingale betting system when playing roulette, or blackjack and craps with more or less the same results. However, there are some that are specific to the game you are playing. For example, Oscar’s Grind can only really be used on roulette. And the same applies to the Law of Thirds betting system, which is only suited to roulette because of the statistical idea that underlies the entire concept.
The Law of Thirds betting system can only be used with roulette, because the idea behind it states that in 36 spins of a roulette wheel, two-thirds of the numbers on the table will appear once. So, in 36 spins, 12 numbers will apparently never appear, while some of the remaining two-thirds will appear more than once. Whether or not you agree with this statistical idea, it helps form the basis for the Law of Thirds betting system.
To implement the system, first get yourself to a roulette table, or fire up your favorite online casino and load up the European roulette table (simply because it offers slightly better odds than the American roulette table). Then watch each spin until you have 9 individual numbers – this may be the first 9 spins, or it could be a few more depending on whether or not any number is repeated. You now have your 9 numbers you will use for the Law of Thirds betting strategy.
The original betting strategy advises that you should now wait for a couple of spins of the roulette wheel. If you are using an online roulette table, this will not apply to you. The creator of this betting system called it a ‘Safety Stop’ – there is no real reason to use it, but if you want to, you can, and if you do not want to use it, do not.
Now place a 1 unit wager on each of your nine numbers. Depending on the size of your bankroll, the amount you wager will vary. A good rule of thumb is to take your bankroll and divide it by 100 to determine the size of 1 unit. So if you have a $1,000 bankroll, you will have a 1 unit value of $10. A $5,000 bankroll has a 1 unit value of $50. It is simple enough to work out and it gives you enough flexibility to keep playing should you encounter a losing streak.
Now, with your bets down, you wait for the ball to land. In total, do this for three spins and the statistics claim that one of your numbers will come up at least once in those three spins, and all three will land if you are lucky.
Of course, you can dress it up as much as you want, but this idea is, like most betting systems, based around the concept of Gambler’s Fallacy, with the idea that previous events influence future ones. In all honesty, the previous spins of a roulette wheel have no bearing on what is going to happen in future ones. The statistics behind the Law of Thirds betting strategy are extremely flawed, and when you scrutinize if further, you realize that the entire thing is, for want of a better term, bunkum.
However, that is not to say that the Law of Thirds betting system is not good. It is certainly a good way of picking some numbers to wager on the roulette wheel, and it is no worse than having a set of ‘lucky’ numbers you always back. But you should not be fooled into thinking that just because they have come up previous that the numbers will land in the next three spins. Just use the Law of Thirds betting system as a bit of fun to enhance your roulette playing experience, and if your number lands once, you can take your profit of 9 units and make a run for it. If you get lucky and hit twice in three spins, you have a profit of 45 units, and if you land all three times, you definitely should take your 81 units of profit and head for the exit. However, if you lose all three spins, you have lost only 27 units, which is considerably less than you would have lost if you had a losing streak using a negative progression system such as the Martingale betting system. » Strategy »