Numbers Betting System

The Numbers betting system is one of the more obscure betting systems that are out there for playing roulette, but that is not to say that it is any less successful (or any more successful, for that matter), than any other betting system you can use when playing roulette.
The Numbers betting system is slightly more complex than other betting systems, too, but the effort put into the preparation can often be more rewarding than simply doubling your stake every time your bet wins or loses. It relies on the bettor creating a line of numbers and adding or removing numbers from the beginning and end of it depending on the outcome of each individual spin. If you win, you remove the first and last numbers, if you lose, you add to the end of the list.
To begin, as with all betting strategies, you have to establish the size of your bankroll. Your bankroll is however much you are willing to risk in one session at the roulette table. This should never be your entire account, as you want to be able to play again should the session not go well – it’s never wise to risk your entire account when betting, so make it a sensible amount you are prepared to part with. Once you have decided on that, the next step is to decide how much you would like to win in this session. You may be happy winning a percentage of your bankroll, or you may decide you want to double it, treble it or win enough to retire in the Azores. We will start with a $1,000 bankroll, and we are looking to win 20% of the bankroll, which would be $200.
You then need to split your bankroll up into a minimum of 100 units. To do this, simply divide the total by 100 (or however many units you would like, as long as it is greater than 100), which gives our one unit a value of $10.
The next step is to decide on what you want to bet on. The easiest way of using the Numbers betting system is to pick an even money choice, as this makes the sums you are required to do easier than if you were betting on a 2-1 shot or greater. So, for this example, we will choose to bet on odd numbers, as it pays out 1:1 odds (or 2.0 in decimal terms). If you do decide you want to on a 2-1 shot, the decimal odds on you winning are 3.0, for 3-1 shots it is 4.0 and so on.
Now you have everything you need, grab a pen and pencil. Write down how much you would like to win – in our case this is $200 – and divide it by the value of one unit – which is $10. This gives us 20. This will vary depending on how much you want to win. For example, if we wanted to win $400, the final answer would be 40. If we wanted to win $1,000 and one unit was $200, it would give us five.
Now, take the value of your one unit, and write it down as many times as our math indicated. So, we would write down $10 twenty times.
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Our preparation work is almost complete; we just need to work out how much you are going to bet. First, add the first and last numbers together, as this is how much we want to win. So, we want to win $20. Because we know our bet pays 1-1, we know we have to bet the same amount as we want to win. So, we put down $20. If we were betting on the columns, which pay 2-1, we would have to do some math: divide the amount you want to win by the decimal odds minus 1. Since the decimate odds of a 2-1 shot are 3.0, we subtract 1 and we are left with 2. We want to win $20, so we divide by 2 and it instructs us to wager $10 on our column bet. Again, the same applies for bets with greater odds.
But we’ll stick to our bet on odds.
If the roulette gods are kind to us, and our bet wins, as per the rules of the system, we remove the first and last numbers from our list. That would mean are list would now look like this:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
And we would be $20 closer to our target. We would then continue on using our formula above, and we can change the bet if we so desire from an even money bet to a different bet, as long as we are looking to win the sum of the first and last numbers in the list.
However, if our bet was to lose, we need to add a number to the end of the list. That number is the amount we wagered on the losing bet. So, if our bet lost, our list would look like this:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20
And we would be $20 further from our target. We would then be looking to win $30 on our next bet. Again, if we stick to our bet that pays 1-1, we would need to wager $30. If we went with columns, which pay 2-1, we would have to wager $15 (30/ (3.0-1)), and we would wager $10 if we went for a bet which pays 3-1.
There are similarities with this betting system, but it is one that lets you move your bets around the table should you feel uncomfortable wagering large amounts at any one time. However, as the numbers on the end get larger, as do your wagers, which means things can start to escalate quite quickly and might make the casual bettor feel uncomfortable.
It is a dangerous system, but it is a fun one, simply because it gives you much more involvement in the process as you can pick and choose what you bet on, giving your more control over how much you bet. With a system such as the Martingale betting system, you bet on even money chances only and it escalates extremely quickly when you get a series of loses. With the Numbers betting system, you can continue betting to the same level as long as your odds increase as you go.
So, don’t think of the Numbers betting system as a way of guaranteeing your long-term success, as it is based, like most roulette betting systems, on the notion that hot streaks and cold streaks exist, which they do not. But do think of the Numbers betting system as one of the more fun ways of playing at the roulette table. » Strategy »