Reverse D’Alembert Betting System

Most roulette betting systems fall into two categories – positive progression betting systems and negative progression betting systems. In a positive progression betting system, you move to the next step in the progression every time you make a winning bet. In a negative progression system, you move to the next step in the progression every time you make a losing bet. With every positive progression betting system that you come across, there is also a negative progression betting system that follows the same rules. For example, you have the Martingale betting system and also the Anti Martingale betting system. The same also applies to the D’Alembert betting system, which is a negative progression betting system. The positive progression equivalent of the D’Alembert betting system is the Reverse D’Alembert betting system.
The traditional D’Alembert betting system’s progression is simple enough- every time you lose a bet, you add 1 unit onto the amount you are betting, and every time you win a bet you subtract one unit from the amount you are betting. So, if you start with a 1 unit bet, then lose, your next bet is 2 units, and if that bet loses, the next bet is 3 units and so on. Because the result of the bet is a negative, you progress, hence the negative progression name.
However, in the Reverse D’Alembert betting system, as you can tell by the name, things are done in reverse. So, you still add 1 onto the amount that you are betting, but this time you do it every time your bet wins. You also still subtract 1 unit from the amount you are betting, but this time it is every time you make a losing bet. So, if you start with a 1 unit bet, then win, your next bet is 2 units, and if that bet wins, the next bet is 3 units and so on. Because the result is a positive one for the player, you progress, and that is why it is called a positive progression system.
To begin using the Reverse D’Alembert betting system, you first need to work out the value of 1 unit. The best way of doing that is to simply divide the amount you are bringing to the table by 100. This gives you enough firepower, so to speak, to have a long and hopefully profitable session at the roulette table. So, one-hundredth of your bankroll is 1 unit. If you have $100 to play with, 1 unit would be worth $1. A $400 bankroll would have a 1 unit value of $4. The most important thing when gambling is sensible bankroll management, so try and stick by this rule when using the Reverse D’Alembert system.
Once you have worked that out, you need to work out what you are going to bet on when using the Reverse D’Alembert betting system. This system is best used on even money bets on the roulette table, so try and stick to red or black, or the odd or even wagers. It can be used on other bets, but it’s most effective on the 50-50 shots. The reason for this is that there is the least house edge on these bets, so less variance. You can, of course, bet on other things using the Reverse D’Alembert betting system, but it’s not advised.
Once you have done both these steps, you simply need to start betting and keep track of how you are going. It’s important not to lose track of what you have just wagered and where you are on the system, as it depends on accuracy.
The Reverse D’Alembert system is not a bad system to use if you are looking to wager a little but win a lot. For each progression, the most you are going to lose is 1 unit, because if you win on your first spin, everything else you are playing with is profit. However, it is not a guarantee of success, just like any other betting system. But it is a fun system to use, and you will not stand to lose a small fortune if you go on a losing steak like you would if you used other betting systems such as the Martingale betting system. Just remember to stick to the system, use sensible bankroll management and, most importantly, have fun, because that is the main reason you should be using betting systems when playing roulette – to have fun, not make a huge profit. » Strategy »