Roulette Bot Pro Review

Roulette Bot Pro is another common roulette bot branded by the creator to be an automatic money making machine. However if you look into the FAQ you will see that the creator actually does state that you are not guaranteed to win. This is actually quite a bit of honesty compared to some of the other systems out there. Along with this you also get a 60 day guarantee when you buy it so you can get a full refund. These are slight positives about the program, however the main question is; how effective is the strategy? All will be explained in this fair review.
First of all it is important to note that this is a tool which can be used to assist you with your roulette systems and strategies. It is an automatic bot designed to place bets on your behalf after certain specifications have been met. You can set the trigger as you wish. For example you can have it place bets on black with a progressive martingale method after red has come out 10 times in a row. This is known as the sleeper feature. There are also many other features included in Roulette Bot Pro which can be used. However the systems which the bot use are all Martingale variants with one being the double dozen method. The bot is also programmed to make use of the proportional probability method which many other bots can not do. With that said, can you win a lot of money every day using the software? The answer is no you can’t.
Martingale systems have been around for centuries and are still used in the present day. They can sometimes give you some quick wins but you are guaranteed to lose your bankroll over the long term if you keep using it. The fact that this software uses them means you are not going to win money with it. However the software could be very useful for testing out your own strategies to see how effective they are before you use your own money. As a roulette tool it can be used wisely, however it is not worth the money as you can do everything it does by yourself. People who tell you this software wins you money every day are talking absolute nonsense and should not be trusted.
On the sales page you will see near the bottom of the page there are testimonials. I can assure you that these testimonials are fake and these people have simply been paid by the creator of the software to make a testimonial. This is a common marketing trick used by affiliates looking to promote products and make some quick cash. If you scroll right to the bottom of the sales page you will also notice that the software is sold through clickbank. This basically tells you that it is being promoted by lots of affiliates looking to make some quick cash. I would highly recommend that you stay away from software like this until you have read some thorough reviews giving positive feedback.
To clear everything up and by taking everything into consideration it is fair to say that Roulette Bot Pro is not worth investing your money in. At $97 it simply just isn’t good enough and it will certainly lose you all your hard earned cash. The software is not a total scam because it can be used as a useful tool to help you with your strategies. However it is a scam in the sense that it is not going to make you constant money every day. It is just another piece of software exploited by affiliate marketers taking advantage of the public and making some quick money. There are so many similar roulette bots out there which are cheaper and they all use Martingale methods. People need to understand that these methods just will not work. Because of this I can’t recommend this software at all and it is advised that you stay away from it and keep your $97. To be completely honest I would not buy any roulette software at all because they all do the same thing. They all make you lose your money and are just complete garbage. » Systems »