Roulette Raper Review

Yes you read it right, Roulette Raper is actually the name of this software and has somehow managed to gain a lot of popularity over the internet in recent times. It is incredible that people still fall for this scam and that the creator has not yet been punished for this complete fraud of a software. Roulette Raper is actually just a replica of another popular software named Roulette Sniper. The software works the exact same with the same algorithm as Roulette Sniper and the sales page is actually the same. The creator of Roulette Raper has copied the whole layout of Sniper’s website stealing the exact vacation photos, testimonials, description and of course software. Due to this it seems like a simple marketing scam people use to make some quick cash.
The method used by the software will get you a few wins at first of course, however in the long run you will lose your whole bankroll. The Martingale strategy is proven not to work and everything this software does – you can do on your own without it. For example, the software will wait until red has come out 8 times in a row and then tell you to start betting black. Each time you lose you are doubling your stake and repeating the bet. One big losing streak can cost you hundreds, if not thousands depending on your bankroll. This is what makes the software worthless and you are guaranteed to lose.
Some people may be fooled on the website by the testimonials and winning videos. Yes it looks like the person in the video is winning, however you need to look closer into the video to understand why it is fake. First of all the guy is using demo cash which is totally different from real cash. In demonstration mode a game is designed to pay out more frequently to allow the user to understand all parts of the game and get you interested in using real cash. This guy has edited the video as well putting all his winning spins into one video to make it look like he is constantly winning. He occasionally has a losing spin to give the video a more realistic effect. As for the testimonials, these are simple to create. All the creator has done here is copy and pasted them in from another website or he has made them himself. This can be done easily by typing up your own testimonial and grabbing an image from google images to add effect.
As for the actual strategy itself, you could easily win $100 in 10 minutes for sure. However in the next 10 minutes you could lose $1000. People need to realize that the roulette wheel can not be beaten by the Martingale system and it is certainly possible for one color to appear 18 consecutive spins in a row. When this does happen you have lost your money with no possible way of recovering it. As for the double dozen system also used in the software, this is just another variant of the Martingale system. If one dozen of numbers hasn’t come out for so many spins then you are told to bet on it. I have personally tried using this method and I can assure you I will not be doing it again. I have seen one dozen of numbers not appear for 22 consecutive spins so it just does not work.
So with everything put into consideration, is Roulette Raper a scam? Yes it is for various reasons. It does not do what it is advertised to do and that is to win with 100% profit guaranteed. Along with this it is stolen from another software making it come across as very fraudulent. You can also download software similar to this for free on the internet making this a complete waste of money. You could use Roulette Raper as a good way to test out various Martingale methods so you can see for yourself how dangerous it can be but don’t use it to try and beat the wheel. You are 100% guaranteed to lose all of your money within an hour of using this so be cautious. As for the creator, he should be punished and forced to repay everybody who downloaded the software. » Systems »